I love dress forms now, but earlier?

When I was in my late twenties, my grandmother was doing a clean out of her sewing room & offered me an adjustable tailors dressmaking dress form.  "What on earth would I want with a dress form?", I replied in my very best whiny 'Angela Anaconda' voice. Sadly, this dress form went to a another good home and I sit here now wishing it was in mine!

Here's a snippet of the beautiful dress form images I'm in the midst of collecting for my dress form pinboard via pinterest.

{Images from here, here & here}

{Images are from here, here & here}

 {Floral dress form images come via here, here & here}


Norlin said...

OH MY! I can tell and empathise how much regret you've got right now for letting your grandma give away that dress form...

Unknown said...

What great photos Angela oops I mean Jodie !

whiterabbit11 said...

oh my goodness, how funny, i'm obsessed with dress forms at the moment too! a lovely vintage one would be the bestest best thing ever!