- Kit Includes:
- Precut 100% designer fabric pieces
- ThreadRibbon
- Easy to follow instructions
- Level: Beginner
- Kit arrives ready to start sewing, no trip to the fabric store.
- It starts as a sweet dress and as your cutie grows it easily turns into a tunic, perfect over tshirt and jeans.
- Sizing Information X-small is 16" from top to bottom. 9mo. to 24mo.
All you need to do is leave a comment with a link to your favorite free 'sewing, knitting or crochet' tutorials that you think other Haby Goddess readers would enjoy and benefit from. I will compile a list on the facebook fan page at the end as a reference to all Haby Goddess readers.
Giveaway will close Wednesday June 24th at 5pm (AEST) and a random generated winner will be named. I will be moderating all comments to ensure that links are appropriate, not spam and relevant.
This is a lovely lady I know on the Sunshine Coast (qld), all the crochet patterns are her own designs, and she is a super nice person to boot!!
Super cute kit! Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I will be a bit sneaky and link to my other website - a collection of free softie/doll tutorials, tips and patterns from around the world wide web: http://www.softiemaking.com :-)
Hard to narrow it down to one excellent freebie, so I've included two!
Posie gets cozy- pleasant dish towels embroidery pattern:
Clementine's Shoes- baby kimono knitting pattern:
Thanks! :)
just in time for father's day!
i just made the mobile,absolutely love it...
i love the fabric in the giveaway....
What a fab giveaway! The dress looks gorgeous and nothing beats kits :).
I absolutely love these Elf Slippers by Maya Made and now is the perfect time to make a pair as we lead up to Winter: http://mayamade.blogspot.com/2009/01/elf-slippers-tutorial.html
Love the giveaway! Thanks so much. I'm linking to a tutorial my girls (and several others we know) loved made for them, the Ruby doll from One Red Robin:
My most used tutorial is my own - colour pencil roll. Great for gifts!
hello, came here after seeing a tweet from one red robin... great give away,maybe it is the kit i need to get me to use my little brother (sewing machine that is)
here is the link to this fellows blog page, yes it is a dude crafter! http://myfantastictoys.blogspot.com/
he has great little down loads every now and then.
thanks for the chance to win and sorry if i didnt link it right not very good at this computer stuff.
How cute is that!?! Would be lovley to win :)
Love your blog by the way :))
I have a 50th post give away on my site if you want to visit xx
I have just discovered your site & what a way to post a 1st comment on your site..to a fabulous giveaway. I just love the following blog...
She has some great picture tutorials & one of the 1st blogs I followed.
I love this tue for a Pointy kitty, my son loves his
I love it and would love the dress kit ;)
Oh how cute i can see my niece in this.
My favourite tutorial is soulemama's gratitude wrap
groundginger left a great link via email for a doily scarf - I love it!! http://theblackapple.typepad.com/somegirlswander/2008/02/things-to-do--1.html
This is good timing as I've just been looking for scarflet patterns.... so here is a bunch on the threadbanger weekly round up (well from back in feb...) So many really cool knitted and crocheted scarflets. I'm going to try the angry olive crocheted one as it looks super easy and I'm lazy :P
This is a very sweet kit indeed!
I also loved this tutorial for a tissue cover from Craftapalooza:
Oh that's such a cute dress, I hope I win. Just one of my favourite places for tutorials is http://oneredrobin.com/2006/11/30/how-to-make-a-notebook-pencil-holder/
I have made lots of these for gifts and they are fantastic
OMG - what a cute dress! Perfect for my niece. Please count me in!
I recently came across this free ladybug pincushion pattern @ Goody Goody. I think it so cute.
Cute kit!
Best tutorials I have found are from
She has links to the "no swearing" bias tape method that was excellent (and others).
Direct link to the videos is:
That's a great dress/tunic kit!!
Here's my link for aquilt
Really cute tutorial for Sarubobo dolls (japanese):
There are so many great tutorials out there bt I love this one for e ruffled skirt.
Quick and easy and looks great in contrasting fabrics.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Jeans-style front pockets tutorial:
Jeans-style front pockets tutorial:
I love this bowl. It's a great way to use up fabric scraps and selvages.
I am always looking at Hip Girl Boutique. Not only do they have craft items they have tutorials as well.
Extra Cute Kit ! I love this tutorial over @ Skip To My Lou for a really cute Crayon Roll with my absolute favourite Ric Rac !!!
I've been trying to sneak some time in to make a little dress for my baby girl. Winning this would certainly get me to finally sit down and do it!!!
I love Amy Butler's free patterns on her site, like the one for the portfolio: http://www.amybutlerdesign.com/pdfs/SweetGreetingsPortfolios.pdf.
BurdaStyle is also a great resource for patterns: http://www.burdastyle.com/patterns.
Karen entered this link (via email)from the very gorgeous Melly & Me blog.
I always turn to SewMamaSew when I need ideas or tutorials, and recently found one for a laptop bag for my spiffy new laptop! http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/?p=816
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