
Adhere fabric to paper with Vliesofix.

Margot, one of my lovely regular customers called into the store today for a chat.
She was telling me how she had made the fabric covered gift tags I'd mentioned in an email sent to subscribers last week.  When she told me that she did bother to mess about with the spray adhesive but used Vliesofix instead I was intruiged.

Can you use Vliesofix on paper?
Why had I not known this?
Am I the only crafter on the planet that does not know this trick?

Within minutes I had my supplies ready and in just a few more minutes, I had the gift tags made.  THIS IS GENIUS!  So quick with NO MESS.

So you just add the Vliesofix to the fabric as you normally would and then iron it to the paper.  I used a manila folder so the card weight was a little thicker.  It worked perfectly. Cut your gift tags to size and add an eyelet.

I love my customers, there is never a day that goes by without them sharing a tip or technique I don't know.

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