
Make your own backing cards using scanned fabric images

As I've mentioned, our household is the midst of birthday party season for 9 year olds. So I've been busy making girlie gifts and thought I'd show you a nifty & easy way to present your hair accessories. Perfect for gifts as I have done or if you are starting out selling at markets. Keep in mind all copyright issues if you are scanning fabric to use for business purposes.
You will need
  • a scanner - mine is a basic all in one
  • some card stock that will go through your printer
  • a paper cutter is handy if you have one
Follow the instructions of your printer to copy your fabric. Make sure the fabric is well pressed as all creases will show up.
Using a photo editing site ( is great), crop an even section of the scanned image and then resize to required size.
Add any personal details to the image such as business & website details or the name or occasion of the person receiving the gift.

Once your card is printed and trimmed to the required size, punch holes for the items to be threaded through.
Snap clips won't need holes, you can just clip them to the side (as I've done in the last image)
Bobbypins will need the holes closer to the side edge and hair ties are best in the centre.
Once you have your holes, for hair ties poke the elastic through to the back and then bring it over to the front.
Simple, cheap & very effective.
Head to the Haby Goddess online store for all hair accessories and button making supplies plus yo-yo gadgets as pictured above.


  1. Brilliant idea!! I must direct a friend to this tute who will be selling hair accessories, this is just what she is after :)

  2. So simple and yes as curly pops said ingenious!

  3. Fantastic idea! I love it! X

  4. That is against copyright and you could get fined by the artist if they fine out you are scanning the fabric and then reproducing it into your packaging. Just a heads up.

  5. This is a very valid point anonymous. As I was making the backing cards for a personal birthday gift I didn't really have any copyright issues in mind but should of mentioned it within the post in relation to any business purpose.


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