
My Hottie Challenge

It's been cold & miserable this week in Melbourne - perfect for making my Hottie Challenge cover (check out all the details over at Curly Pops).

I had the idea to do selvedge right from the start as I had left over strips from when I made my daughter's cushion but I didn't really think it through before I cut the template. I left zero margin & seam allowance! I then needed to trim the cardboard hanger (that it must include) and then sew it all together with the cardboard in side.

Anyway the final result looks OK and it's to raise funds for a hugely worthwhile cause.  If you missed out joining in with Curly Pops, entries don't close until 24th June via Open Drawer.
All proceeds go to the Margaret Pratt Foundation Heart Lung Transplant Fund.


  1. I love it! I am going to be out of the country for 6 weeks, or I would have joined in! Maybe next time? Keep us informed of other charity drives- I'd love to get involved. I will make a scrap quilt but don't know who to give it to! A charity is what I'm looking for in Melbourne!

  2. Incredible! I love it!

  3. It's gorgeous Jodie!
    I can see lots of fabric lovers fighting over this one hee hee.

  4. LOVE it!!Such a great idea!I am making cushions too and won't throw away my little bits now :)

  5. How fun! Glad to see there are others who don't throw anything away either - you never know what creative purpose it might be good for:) Cyndy

  6. It's lovely Jodie... and is soon to be making it's way to my sewing room, yay!


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