
Do you need help with your craft business?

A few weeks back I was asked by the very lovely Alli Price of Motivating Mum to join her list of mentors. This was just after I published a post discussing whether or not coaching & mentoring was a worthwhile investment for craft businesses when many of these programs were targeted outside of our industry.

After picking myself off the floor and my cheeks returning to their normal rosy shade of pink I said yes to Alli's very kind offer.  Why? Because I want crafters who are starting out in this industry to have someone to go for support and who understands the nature of their new business. I think this is a service that is lacking and unavailable financially to most.

This is not high priced, fancy pants coaching.  It's down to earth and affordable.  All sessions are conducted over the phone at a mutually convenient time. 

This is not just about promoting my services, it's about letting you know that help is out there at a price you can afford from a strong range of ladies that have EXPERIENCE in a huge number of areas. Many have been in the same situation you have. Sometimes you just need to have a chat with someone who speaks your language when your friends and family don't.

So if this is something you are interested in, take a look at the list of mentors on the Motivating Mum  website and I'm sure you will find someone to inspire you.


  1. Excellent idea Jodie we all need help sometimes . You would be an ideal mentor for many !

  2. i agree with Clare! you definitely would ♥

  3. I do I do :) Will definitely check it out (when I can find the time lol)

  4. This is right up my alley Jodie...I have been itching to start selling my crafts but have so many questions I need answered first.

    Am off to have a look.


  5. So glad I read this post. I could really use some help as I feel stuck right now. Ever since doing your sewing course you have inspired me. Great to know this is an option.



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Have a wonderful day,