
Discussion: Coaching for your creative business.

I’ve spent the weekend deciding if I should enrol in an eight week intensive business coaching program with a higher price tag than I've considered before. Personally, I’ve had one on one sessions, belong to a paid membership group and believe mentoring and coaching can be very beneficial to moving your business forward. What I do question however is the relevance of some towards craft based businesses. As over analysing everything is what I do best, I thought I would share with you my thoughts and offer some points to consider.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that this particular program will deliver what it promises in terms of content. However, I do think some of these more expensive programs that promise life changing results seem tailored towards a service based industries more than craft and product based businesses and this has been my cause for hesitation. I see time and time again headlines and stories about how these ordinary people went from earning little to 6 and 7 figures - yes but they seem to all be coaches, they don’t make or sell craft! You need to ensure that the content and program structure can be applied within your business.

So will these principles work within a craft based business?  I worry that due to some awesome marketing techniques (OK I admit I’d love to learn some of those!), we get drawn in without really taking a sensible look at:

  1. Will this program address the questions for taking my business forward?
  2. Could the money be better spent within my business?
  3. Will the network of other participants be supportive and complimentary to my business?
  4. Am I ready to fully commit to the program and tasks assigned?
  1. There are some awesome e-courses, memberships groups and coaching that do cater for craft businesses, so do your homework. Ask lots of questions about the program, if they don't want to help you now, they are unlikely to when they've got your money.
  2. If it is a subscription based program, cancel it if you’re not using it or it is not relevant.
  3. Once you have committed and paid your money to any sort of coaching program, see it through to the end, otherwise it’s money lost.
  4. Implement the changes suggested by the coaches. It’s a complete waste of time and money to gather a heap of information and not use it.
  5. Contact other members or past participants and ask your own questions – don’t just reply on the testimonials provided by the coaches.
  6. Don’t get caught up in all the hype – walk away and think about it.
  7. Life coaches and business coaches are two different things.
  8. Make the most of networking opportunities.
Am I way off with my thinking here?
Have you had business coaching for your creative business?
Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts.


  1. I have never considered a business coach for crafty business and probably wouldn't spend the money (I'm a bit of a tight-wad). I think most of the time we know what we need to do, we just struggle with the time or motivation to do it. I guess though, it also depends on the goals for the business. Are you aiming for world domination?? or just a little bit of extra growth to move things along? I know that while I dream about world domination, it's really not what I want to be spending my time doing.In saying that though, some people respond to a little boost along the way that I think business coaches could offer.

    Good luck with your decision making!

  2. Very interesting. A friend of mine has also been considering a coaching class for her business, which is food based. In the end, I think you have to ask yourself, "What is going to make my product(s) a 'must have' item?" The answer to this lies in advertising and marketing, not in paying a coach to pump up your confidence.

    Even if you have the most attractive product, if you don't present it well and don't place it well, it won't sell. I don't think you need to pay a coach to tell you that.

    People buy things because they feel it will make their life easier, or better. Simple as that.

    For a small business, I agree with you that you need to use free resources as much as possible.

  3. I'm seeing more and more of these courses springing up all over the place, and I'm completely surprised about it. I guess they must have people who pay for the service?
    I've found that the best advice I've ever received has come directly from others who actually sell their craft. You can learn a lot by joining a social craft group with other sellers, and also by simply chatting with your fellow stallholders at markets. As they say, then it's directly from the horses mouth!


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Have a wonderful day,