
It's our 2nd birthday giveaway!

The Haby Goddess started back on the 1st September 2008 after the idea came to me while on a weekend away with my family.
While deciding a name for this blog, my husband had offered "Haber Daber Doo"  which was quickly crossed off the list. I then settled for The Haby Goddess.
It's been an absolute blast and I'm still loving every minute of it. 
To celebrate and thank you all for your amazing support, I have put together a recycled bickie tin full of haby goodies to give away to one lucky person.  This giveaway is open to all my wonderful international readers as well. 

Included in this package is:
  • Elastic, bias & cord
  • Bias
  • Trims, Twill tape
  • Purse frame
  • Toggles & cord ends
  • Brooch backs
  • Crocheted flowers
  • Adjustable rings
  • Self covering button kit
  • An erasable marking pen
  • FQ of fabric
  • Magnetic bag closurer
This giveaway will be open for the entire month, closing on 30th September, 2010.  To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment (making sure I am able to contact you) sharing with us your greatest crafty moment.  It can be as simple the first time you put a zip in - it can be anything!!! 

Good Luck xx


  1. I think mine would be when I made my first pair of shorts for my little Guy to wear!
    Congrats on 2 years Jodie!

  2. Thanks Bree, I have appreciated your support - I think you have been there pretty much from the start :)

  3. Wonderful give away ... proudest moment ... finding a vintage, sewing-sized chisel in my mother's old sewing supplies to help make my first buttonholes!

  4. Happy Birthday to the Haby Goddess!
    I think my greatest craft moment would have to be when I finally took the plunge to sell at my very first craft market. It was so exciting and so daunting all at the same time, but such a wonderful experience.

  5. Happy Birthday Haby Goddess! I'd have to say that mine would be watching my 3 year old have a go at 'broidery' (as she cals it). Watching the look of concentration on her face & the pride as she held up her hoop with a few little stitchesfor me to see.

  6. i think learning to crochet was my best crafty moment. it opened up a whole world of opportunities for me.
    i'm crocheting right now ha ha!!!

    congratulations on your 2 year blogiversary!

  7. I'm a self-taught sewer and the first thing I ever made for myself was some shorts for Girl Guide camp. They were fabulous, except that I'd sewn the pockets in the wrong way and all the seams were on the outside but I wore them like that anyway!!

    Congrats on 2 years of NOT being Haby Dabber Doo!

  8. My very first handbag made from a fabric serviette, recycled fabric from an op shop, with the lining from a silk scarf. The beginning of MANY hours at my sewing machine creating one-off artworks full of love sold for far too little $.

  9. happy anniversary!
    My best 1st sewing moment would be when I made a dress for my daughter's 2nd birthday - all by myself & it looks great!

  10. congrats on 2 years! :) the moment i was most proud of myself was when i sewed my first ever garment without any help from anyone and it fitted my dd1 so well. it was such a proud moment for me. and i havent looked back since then! :D thanks for the giveaway....


  11. Hippy Birdy to you Habby Goddess. I recently made two pretty birdie cushions for my girls' beds with really neat (I think) blanket stitched patchwork wings. A big achievement for a paper cutter!

  12. What a scrumptious package, and congratulations on you 2 years- it's hard to believe it's only been that long because your already such an institution. I think my greatest crafty moment was the very first bib I made for my son- I really struggled in the post-natal period but sewing became a great solace, and now my little boy likes to sew with me!

  13. Congratulations on your 2nd birthday and thank you for sharing it with us by having a giveaway!

    I don't know if I have any particularly great crafting achievments lol! - I guess when I create things that other people find joy in, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction and knowing I made something that made someone else so happy, leaves me feeling good for quite awhile!

  14. I also wanted to add a big thank-you for the great service you provide, it is great when you find a business that responds quickly when you contact them and helps you in any way possible :)

  15. I think my proudest moment has been helping my partners daughter make a skirt for her textiles class. It all came back to me!

  16. Oh wow! Happy anniversary! congratz! Mine would be making my first crochet flower! can't believe how pretty it turned up to be :)! Thanks for sharing this!

  17. yay Happy birthday Jodie!!
    proudest moment was using my sewing machine for the first time after staring at it for months & learning to sew using online tutorials.

  18. My proudest crafty, sewing moment was when I made a friend's semi-medieval wedding dress. It was amde from a silk ikat waeve fabric we found at Mariana Hardwick. She looked so beautiful in it.
    Thank you for your regular posts, I love the inspiration bursts and I would only wish you had been around in my earlier sewing days. Congratulations on your 2 years!

  19. Like Miss Curly Pops I think my proudest crafty moment was selling my first item to a stranger. it's one thing for people to say they like what you make, but another for them to pay what you think it's worth, for it.


  20. Mine would have to be when I completed my first ever project, which was a playmat for our impending child. 3 kids on, and I look at it now, and think, gee whiz, lucky I have improved!!
    Happy 2 years!~

  21. Happy Blogiversary, awesome giveaway thanks! My proudest moment was watching my then 4 yr old sewing for the first time on her little Hello Kitty machine..she wanted to be like
    My 2 yr blogiversary is on the 7th..stop by and see our giveaway :)

  22. Happy 2nd bday!!!
    I think my fondest memory of craft is back when I was a kid - discovering papier mache with homemade flour & water glue. I spent many days in the holidays making bowls & masks using balloons as the props!

    And, may I add, we should all bring back the biccie tin - as a kid, we all knew the sound of the biccie tin being opened (even if we were outside!!)

  23. What a beautiful gift - I love that tin filled with goodies!! My best moment would have to be the insertion of an invisible zip! It took FOREVER but I finally nailed it!! So proud of myself!

    Happy birthday to you.

  24. My best craft moments are when I actually finish a project, which doesn't happen as often as I'd like. This year, has however, been good! Have finished my first ever knitted jumper and hand sewn quilt- yay!!! Love your blog. Congratulations

  25. My greatest was making a rag doll for a competition held by the local paper. I was all of 12 years old. To my great surprise, I won my age group, and received an amazing Pfaff sewing machine and had an appearance on local tv. That cemented my love of craft.

  26. Contrat's for your two year blogday, and thanks for the cool giveaway.

    I would have to say my greatest craft moment, was when I was a young girl with only a handful of clothes for my doll. My mother(who was very much a "make or mend" person)taught me how to sew two pieces of fabric together, to create a new dress for my dolly. From then on I was hooked.

  27. Happy Blogiversary, and many thanks for all your wonderful sewing snippets, always a delight to read. My proudest moment would have to be putting the final stitch in my first quilt, all hand sewn as I didn't have a sewing machine.

  28. Happy your site.
    Proudest mament is when I make a quilt for family or friends and then see them using it..usually the kids make a cubby and the adults tell me how they cuddle up with it on the lounge on a cool evening...I love to hear that.

  29. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Haby Goddess's blog
    Happy Birthday to you

    Hip hip....HOORAY
    Hip hip....HOORAY
    Hip hip....HOORAY

    Hope that you have many, many more years of selling online hun. Congratulations

    My greatest crafting moment(s) are when I find a new pattern, I make it, and it comes out looking how it should...and if it doesn't, I won't let it beat me...I keep trying, till I get it right!


  30. Happy 2 Years of Blogging. My greatest crafty moment was finishing the cot quilt I started for baby no. 4. Never mind that she got it when she was 12-it did get finished and was hand quilted as well.

  31. My sewing lessons that I did with my extremely busy mother. Not only did I make my first pair of pants but I got to spend some quality mother & daughter time.

  32. Happy 2nd birthday to you The Habby Goddess.
    I have been sewing for so long, that I have to think hard to when i made a real stuff up on something. It would have to be the first time i made draw string pants...I just didn't get it!! I sewed the sides together first and then had a back and a front sewn together, it was an absolute disaster and have since thank goodness learnt to make them in my sleep!!

  33. Happy 2nd birthday Haby Goddess!!!!!!!!!! Well my greatest craft moment was when I made my very first ecobag. I had no idea how to use a sewing machine or how to sew at all, but the result was not so bad. It´s in my blog if you'd like to check it out:

    Bye!! :)

  34. Probably when I made my first ever halter neck top, (about 6yrs old).I thought it was soo cool, it was purple and green silk. More like halter apron!

  35. Just one favourite Crafty Moment? Wow this is a hard one! Um.... I guess one would be when i recently made a blanket out of recycled 100% woollen jumpers that I sourced from op shops, felted, cut into 25cm squares and semi-quilted together! It's one of the first thing's I've ever sewn and is the warmest blanket I own! It really was satisfying to save gorgeous jumpers from landfill and breathe new life into them, creating something really practical and simple with years of usage ahead of me!

  36. Haapy Birthday and congratulations on two years!
    My greatest crafting moment would be the day that I set up my very new Brother sewing machine on my daughters drawing table and she very carefully sewed herself a little carry bag. She was five and so excited to be allowed to use a "grown up machine".

  37. Finishing the embroidery on a blanket for my unborn baby son just as my waters were breaking.

  38. Congratulations :-)
    My best craft moment - mastering a rolled hem - very exciting.

  39. my greatest moment was when I realised that it didn't matter if I made a mistake EVERY time I made something, and that shouldn't stop me from keeping on making things :) now I'm much more relaxed lol!

  40. My best crafty discovery lately (since the birth of my son 15 mths ago at least) has been you, Haby Goddess !!!! I mean that sincerely - great advice with my borrowed sewing machine, ideas, inspiration, encouragement and gentle direction when trying to attempt sewing again after not touching it since at least 1990!! Congratulations on reaching 2 years - and may you continue for many more to come!! Allison Dench.

  41. My greatest crafty moment so far was only a few months ago. I made a beautiful applique baboushka cushion for one of my dearest friends. She adores it and I am so happy with how it turned out! Congrats on the great blog, I'm sure there be many more birthday celebrations!

  42. Happy Birthday,

    I saw a teddy bear pattern in a magazine and thought i should give it a go, it turned out nothing like the pictures but the joy on my 2 year old's face was so beautiful, he is 14 now and still has the little bear by his computer.

  43. I think my proudest moment was when I finally plucked up the courage to use my sewing machine and the first quilt I made was for my niece where I learnt the 1/4" seam allowance rule....ooops!But it turned out ok in the end.Congratulations on raching 2 years :) Barb.

  44. Happy Anniversary Haby Goddess!! YAY a give away!!

    My craft memory would have to be when I got my first brand new machine, a Janome, for my 21st birthday. Now I'm going to give away my age...I still use it after 26 years, still going strong. (I do have a new Janome also, which I love)...Terese

  45. Hmm, there have been several, but recently I worked out how to crochet a simple strap keeper for my watchband, which allowed me to use the watch band for a whole lot longer than I would have otherwise. Who knew it was so hard to get and keep a replacement band keeper?! I made the keeper out of black linen thread, using a smaller crochet hook and just made a short chain. I loved it!

    Congratulations, HabyGoddess, on your birthday and wish you many more!

  46. My first successful sewing machine experience! Year 10 Home Economics scarred me for life, so it was a happy day when I no longer feared the machine :)

  47. My proudest moment would have to be making a Noah's Ark applique quilt as a first attempt at quilting (wow) for my beautiful nice Maggie.
    Happy Birthday Haby Goddess
    Lauren xxx

  48. Mine is very recent - finishing making all the blocks of my first quilt. Now to sew the blocks together! ;)

  49. Congratulations Habby Goddess !
    Thank you for your inspiring blog and beautiful items.
    My greatest craft moment.
    My mother was a dressmaker there was always beautiful fabrics scattered through the house.As a child,I remember creating for my mum, a little wallhanging and fabric purse with a button catch from the scraps of fabric I pinched and saved in a box under my bed. She gave me a big hug and still has them 40 years later.

  50. Congratulations on the 2nd birthday of your business Jodie! I've had lots of highs throughout the years such as seeing children dressed in items I've made for church and school fetes. But the best was when a dear friend suffered a stroke and as she recovered said that she got so much comfort from wrapping herself in a knitted throw I'd made for her.

  51. I too think my proudest moment was introducing my daughter (age 5) to sewing. Stumbling out of bed one morning, I found her with a craft book tracing off a pattern to make a little felt key holder. She looked at me and said "Mummy can you teach me how to do blanket stitch?" She is already our family's fourth generation crafter!

  52. Happy Birthday!
    My proudest moment was recently when I made a doll for my baby girls 1st birthday, and her big sister wants one just like it now :)

  53. Congratulations! My proudest moment was getting hold of some Missoni knit, running a seam down it, a couple of darts at the waist and some elastic around the waist to make a skirt, and having one of the school mums say "how can she afford Missoni??" The joy of being able to sew (and craft and do it yourself).

  54. Happy Birthday, im only new to your store but am most definitely in love!
    My proudest crafty moment, would have to be when i discovered i actually had crafty talent, i went through alot of things when i was pregnant and my mum always tried to get me to sew, one day i did and i couldn't wipe the smile off my face, and then to have people want to buy my singlets, well, thats the first time i've realised what potential i have! Im so proud of everyone who has crafty talent! Its an amazing thing!

  55. Happy Anniversary, may you have many more years of Haby Goddessing for us :)

    At the age of 6 my crafty moment of enlightenment occurred. My laboriously cut, hand-stitched dress for my Sindy doll fitted - and I have been hooked (haha, I crochet too) ever since!

  56. Happy Anniversary! My favourite item/s are my fabric zipper bags. They're so useful in many guises and sizes!

  57. Happy 2 years!! My moment of delight was sewing a 10cm zip into a purse I had made. Even though I broke 2 needles doing it, shed a tear or two and then had to download instructions from the net on how to use the zipper foot. I was so proud of myself. I'm hoping next time won't be so traumatic!!

  58. I would have to say that my most crafty moment would be my daughters recent 6th birthday party! It was a vintage tea party and everything was homemade :: food, tablecloth, little napkins for little hands, 15 fleur poms, and little op shop tea cups with seedling plants in them as lolly bags & toffee apples(idea thanks to Donna Hay!)! Definitely my favourite xx

  59. Hi Joide, I would love to enter your fabulous giveaway. My finest crafting moment was the day I learned to knit! I was 5 and my patient Aunt and Nana taught me around her dining table and I can still feel the sense of achievement and the look of pride on their faces, something that meant the world to me:) I have not stopped crafting since that day:) Congratulations on your second birthday, Jodie! I am only a newbie here, but am planning on sticking around to help you celebrate all your future birthdays. Thanks again for linking to my freezer paper tutorial. ~ Tina x

  60. My finest crafty moment would have to be making my partner a Fedora for Christmas. I think the fact that I was able to do it in secret and surprise him with it on Christmas Day was the best part.

    Congratulations on two years!

  61. I think my greatest crafty moment was when my son (now 9) said to me "Mom, homemade costumes are much better than store bought costumes, right?." This is after successive years of creating whatever outlandish costume he has wanted for halloween from scratch (astronaut, triceratops, pikachau, bionicle (twice:)).

  62. Mine was making both parts of a frog closure by hand for a handbag I made for a friend. I used a 'how to' from a 1930's sewing book that was given to me by my partner's mother - it was originally her mother's.

  63. My great est crafty moment was the first time I made anything i deemed good enough to give away as a gift. An embroidered baby blanket, if I recall correctly! Haven't looked back!

    Happy Birthday!

  64. Happy birthday - a 2 year-old blog is a real triumph!

    My greatest moment: last year, I knitted a beautiful baby blanket for my friend's new son. A few months later it got badly ripped in the pram wheels! The knitting store ladies shook their heads sadly and said it was gone, but I was sure there must be a way to 'hand-sew' the hole with new yarn. Extensive investigation on the web uncovered a video of how to do a 'kitchener stitch'. I watched, rewatched, tried, unpicked... I stopped counting at view #60! But I did it - you can't even tell where the hole was now!

  65. It was finishing my smurf quilt in year 10 textiles and design. Happy Birthday!!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love reading all your comments and try to visit all your lovely blogs in return.
Have a wonderful day,