Once you become a more confident sewer, you can start to add things that may not be included in the pattern.
A flap to a patch pocket is one such thing.
It's very easy to create a template from your pocket pattern for this add on.
Making your template.
Using your existing pocket pattern, match width and point if it has one.
Take a guess at how deep you want the flap. But remember you need to allow for seams.
Cut 2 pieces of fabric using your template.
Right side together, sew using a small seam allowance.
Leave top edge open.
Clip corners.
Turn your flap in the right way and top stitch to match your pocket (excuse my wonkiness!).
If you were wanting to add a button hole then this is the time to do it.
Place flap on your fabric above the pocket - right sides together with the point facing upward.
Fold flap back over and sew a top stitch row across the front to hold flap in place.
You are done.
I added a snap fastener to my flap as a closer.
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