
Turn fabric tubes inside out in minutes

One of the many perks of owning The Haby Goddess is I get to play and test all the new products that arrive on my doorstep.

Today's afternoon has been spent oohing & arghing over the new Turn-it-All tool.  This is a simple but genius gadget for turning fabric tubes inside out in just minutes.

Why had I waited so long to get myself one of these?
Here's how it works:
  • There's 3 different sized plastic tubes to choose from so select the one most suited to your fabric tube.
  • Poke plastic tube into the very end - I forgot to clip my corners so make sure yours are!
  • Use matching poker to push fabric into tube.
  • The 3rd pic shows what's happening at the other end.
  • Told you it was awesome!

So head over to The Haby Goddess online store and get yourself one of these time saving gadgets.


  1. Ooh I have these, they are fabulous!!

  2. That looks a bit fancier (and easier) than my bizarre little hook-on-the-end-of-a-metal-stick thing I have!

  3. Hmmm I think I might need one of those!

  4. Oh yes I need one of these so very badly, there is nothing more frustrating.

  5. Well thank you Jodie I have been wanting some of those for ages i am on my way to order :)

  6. I've had this tool for about 2 years and it is MAGIC! \o/


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