
A product review that may not be so good for business!

Product Reviewed : Jacquard Transfer Paper
The reason I've decided to publish this review is that I pride myself on providing accurate information and descriptions for the products I sell in The Haby Goddess store. I use many of the products that I sell for my own personal crafting so I understand how disappointing it is when you pay good money for a product that doesn't quite deliver. However, I am just one user and others may have a completely different result. So please feel free to add your comments.

I had an idea of adding a transfer to my daughters plain white pillow slip. I'd scanned some fabric - something that did turn out fantastic - then created a finished image.

Now I didn't only try this once - I tried it three times on different fabrics, followed the instructions exactly and used different printer settings.  I even darkened the image thinking this may have been the problem. I used a fabric that had been washed and one that hadn't.

I do acknowledge that maybe a more updated, expensive inkjet printer could have a different result but I do think my printer represents what most of you would have at home plus I use genuine inkjet print cartridges.  Basically all the ink did not lift from the paper meaning the image was incomplete.

Now for some positives: Where this product did work great was with ordinary kids textas.  The colours came out vibrant and exactly how they should of.  If you are wanting a transfer paper for this kind of thing then it's perfect.

I would love to hear from anyone else who has used this product.  Did it do the job you wanted it to?


  1. I don't know about that brand, but I'm yet to find a brand i'm totally happy with. After several transfer paper disasters I found these tips helped give adequate results. Although this is more for the type of paper that adds a thin rubbery film onto the fabric.

    hope it helps
    x cinti

  2. I've only used the type that leaves the thin rubbery film too. Is this one just supposed to transfer the ink?


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