
Haby parcels plus a little giveaway

I have put together some very cute haby parcels which are a fabulous idea if you are still needing to organise a gift for Mother's Day or even as a little treat for yourself.

The parcel includes crochet flowers, a purse frame, a yo-yo maker, a carving block & tools, a 7/8 inch button kit, a magnetic bag clasp, bias, ribbed elastic & brooch backings. It is all beautifully packaged in a pillow box. These items will keep any mum busy for hours! Kits are available for a limited time only in The Haby Goddess online store.

I would also like to give one of these kits away as a gift. So that it can be delivered in time for Mother's Day, the giveaway is only open for 4 days.
Giveaway is now closed, winner to be announced soon. But please feel free to still ad your comments, we would love to read them.

All you need to do is leave a comment telling me what childhood meal did your mum cook that you never wish to eat again!

One meal I certainly don't miss is Chicken Maryland! I swore the day I left home that I never wanted to see another Chicken Maryland again in my entire life. I think if you asked the same question to my girls they would say broccoli - I add it to every meal!


  1. Oh, what a lovely giveaway!

    My answer is easy - beef stroganoff, eew I hated that one, and unfortunately it was one of mums favourites so she made it alot and I never had the heart to tell her I gagged through half the meal and ditched the rest. Have never had it again since!

  2. ewwwww... Tripe!

    Although I'm not sure if I can honestly say I'll never eat it again, since I'm fairly sure that I never ate it in the first place! That was one meal that I'd sit at the table for hours with, rather than eat it.

  3. YAY... craftiness give away. I need a new yoyo maker as my Moo has taken up the craft and pinched mine LOL...

    Least fav meal my mum cooked was hmmm... fish!! I wasn't a big fan of fish. But if she was here today I would TOTALLY wolf it down no questions!!

    xo Steph

  4. corned silverside with that horrid white sauce!! i'm sure that's why i became vegetarian at age 14!!

    great giveaway... thanks :)

  5. peas!
    i absolutely despise those squishy mooshy things!
    only problem, my partner loves them!!!
    he just has to wait until we have dinner at mum and dads house to have them...


  6. Chops! Haven't had them since I was 17.
    Cooked under the grill to be dry, leathery and chewy served with soggy beans boiled beyond recognition and mash (the saving grace, Mum made good mash!)

  7. Most definitely fish. I can't stand the smell of it. (I even had to get hubby to feed our daughter her fish meals when she was younger!) My Mum didn't believe me when I said that I didn't like fish so she tried to trick me. She served it up one night and told me it was chicken. I nearly threw up all over the table. Needless to say she never tried to give me fish again!

  8. Awesome giveaway :)
    OMG - Lambs Fry and Bacon, makes my skin crawl just thinking about it... I rarely eat meat to start with, but internal organs... NO WAY! I would rather have gone to bed with no dinner then eat that and did on many occassions!

  9. Hmm, mine would definitely be brussels sprouts...but it was dad who made us eat it, not mum... does that count?

  10. Pea and Ham Soup.

    I hated it. Mum used to make it all the time.
    When i didn't eat it as a child, my mother put me in the bath and poured it over my head!!! even now the thought makes me gag.


  11. Oh goodness. Hands down, steak and kidney pie. The idea still makes me turn green! I think she only cooked it for Dad though - once they split up, I don't remember having steak and kidney pie again :)

  12. Cottage pie - mince and mashed potatoes combined, Yuck!

  13. love, love the parcels!

    Mum would cook veal brisket for hours and hours until the bones were soft and turned to glue...

  14. Definitely has to be home made over them I have eaten them once since leaving home which was 10 years ago...
    great giveaway I like fabric covered buttons...

  15. Yes , tripe featured big in my childhood aswell. With chickpeas!!! It was so chewy, dinner time took ages, chew chew chew.
    She also made (and still makes) tounge, but i quite fancied that...

  16. Totally agree with lambs fry, steak and kidney pie and corned silverside with white sauce. They all featured on our home menu. And adding to that... chokoes. They grew like weeds in our back yard and just the smell of them cooking makes me gag.

  17. clear chicken broth.
    every night at 6pm sharp, before mains.
    (sorry mum!)

  18. what a lovely little bundle of goodies... I think the worst thing my mum ever cooked was beef stroganoff, cause she hates following recipes!

  19. What a great treat in time for mothers day.
    Even though my mum is a brilliant cook I couldn't stand her smoked cod done in a mornay sauce, she would give it to my sister and I every Thursday night before we would go to Brownies. I hated Thursday nights

  20. Mine would be feild mushrooms that we children had to forage for in the paddocks.Mum would cook and thicken them with flour which turned them into a gloopy grey slop with mysterious lumps swimming in it gross....and the smell of them cooking was even worse than the look or taste as it would stink out the whole house.Can you tell I still don't eat feild mushrooms? :( Barb.

  21. :) what a great question! Mine would be this mushroom soup she used to make. The smell was enough to make me gag. Sorry Mom :)

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  22. Lamb. I hate lamb. Mum used to cook it and tell me it was chicken. It is NOT chicken. She would make me sit at the table for hours and hours telling me I couldn't leave until it was gone!!

  23. Hmmm any meal that has anything to do with offal I won't eat. She used to make steak and kidney pie which i HATE!

  24. Oh soooo many bad memories but Crumbed Lambs Brains would have to be top of the list, followed closely by Ox tongues Mum was a sadist im sure Tripe, Kidneys, liver,trotters were frequently on our table..probaby why i only really eat chicken these days was scared for life!
    Love your store!!!

  25. Roast pork!! Can do ham and bacon but can not even look at raw pork after someone told me it was the closest meat to human flesh!............sorry all those pork crackle lovers!
    Thanks for a chance at a great prize!

  26. My mum made tuna mornay that made the cat run away! That was the same night my brother told Mum that "her recipes were YUCK!".

    She also spent a lot of time cooking a gourmet saffron chicken that was tasteless.

    Let's just say that my mum was no wizz in the kitchen but we survived none the less!!

  27. I am so glad I popped in :-) I think the one think our mum cooked that we never wanted again was stuffed hearts and it wasn't because we didnt like the taste it was just the thought of those hearts :-} she made it we ate and after she told us what it was :-) My mum was a great cook. Also I agree with melanie.

  28. Lambs fry and bacon.... EWWWWWWWWWW
    I could never stand the stuff.
    It was made with lambs liver..
    YUCK, makes me sick to think of it now.. the adults use to love it.
    Not for me!!

  29. I agree with Sally on this one! Any internal organ..... good old European cooking, wastes nothing! Grosses me out! Yuk!
    Being a vego these days, I remember loathing pumpkin, but I love it now.
    Don't enter me in this giveaway J, I just couldn't help answering this question. xx

  30. What a great giveaway and everyones answers are stomach churning LOL

    Something I have never eaten again since I was a child living at home is Steak and Kidney. I can still taste it... oh how I hate steak and kidney.

  31. Mine is more a visual, than a taste thing because as much as she tried, I could NEVER eat this.


    I remember coming home from school and seeing it sitting on the sink, ready to cook. That was enough for me. Mum would cook it like you would cook silverside and then have the leftovers in sandwiches the next day.

    In fact, my Mum was such a huge offal fan. Brains were big. But it was the tongue that made my stomach turn.

  32. Golden syrup dumplings - Mum was normally a fabulous cook who never needed to measure her ingredients, BUT, her golden syrup dumplings were the size, weight and texture of a lawn bowl. We'd tip the left overs onto the back lawn for our usually non-descriminating laborador dog to clean up....but in the morning there were the dumplings sitting on the grass untouched.

  33. I got tricked into eating cauliflower once - by being mistaken into thinking it was potato bake... no comparison! I can still remember the shock. oh an my MIL makes ordinary 'canned' vegies... grey peas - gag.

  34. I'd say just about most of the above mentioned would & did make my stomach churn as a child. And whilst my Mother did cook most of above, I didn't eat them as just mere smell of tripe or lambs fry, etc would make me dry reach.
    But the one thing I just couldn't get out of eating & I'd sit at the dinner table until 10pm pinching my nose & closing my eyes was BOARD BEANS!!! Such a horrid,horrid vegetable...YUCK! :-/

  35. Hmm easy Bread and butter pudding!!!

    Sloppy home made eggy custard yuck!!!! But I have sooo many more meals that I loved and will be making for my lil one.

  36. I guess my entry didn't post yesterday!

    When I was a little girl my mom was on welfare payments. She had this weekly dish called the welfare dinner (very creative). It consisted of toast topped with sliced spam and on top of that some creamed corn. To this day I still gag just thinking about it!

  37. Mash potato and mince ;( the meal that kept on giving hours after eating it!

  38. Stew!! ewww!! Mum would always make it and it was just a mushy mess with a horrid smell. Thankfully my husband doesn't like it either so my kids will never ever have to taste it... well maybe when they stay over at Nans! :)

  39. As much as I love my mum and as hard as she could every try, my mum cannot bake a cake!! Dry or funny tasting which I can't actually put into words to describe. Despite this, I've grown up loooving bakery from actual bakers LOL!

  40. My mum is a wonderful cook, and I have so many great food memories from my childhood... except for cooked ox tongue! My dad loves it... but if you haven't ever had the pleasure... it actually looks like a massive tongue on a plate, with taste buds and all. Eeeewww!

  41. My mum always added brocolli to every thing too, and peas. I really don't like either to this day.

  42. It's funny because my mother always says I used to want to eat Scrambled Eggs every night and she used to say "One day you'll stop wanting to eat it!" Now it is one of those meals I can only ever remember feeling sick eating!!! Just goes to show that mother is always right!!! ;) Great to see you on Facebook! Keep up the good work! Regards, Mairi

  43. I'd really like a chance in this giveaway but at the same time I don't want to be mean about my dear Mum who I'm afraid can't cook at all !

  44. I have to say that I'm having a lot of trouble thinking of something - mum was a good cook :) when I was little tho, I never wanted to have her chocolate slice and gave it away at school. It was awesome, but mum made it so much I got really sick of it lol. Great giveaway :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love reading all your comments and try to visit all your lovely blogs in return.
Have a wonderful day,